Typing is now an essential part of almost every job imaginable. Why developing your typing speed is important There is an argument that characters per minute (cpm) is a better indicator of typing speed rather than words per minute, where the emphasis is on the individual keys.By the time they have finished high school, girls on average type 37 words per minute, while boys on average have a typing speed of 44 words per minute. Despite the fastest typists in the world both being women, girls tend to type slower than boys.People who type faster than the average typing speed practice about three times more than those around or below the average.Many jobs in professional fields such as secretary or transcription want you to aim for a typing accuracy rate of 97 per cent, which is no more than three mistakes per every 100 words.The speed of a professional typist is around 50 to 80 words per minute, but can go anywhere up to 120 words per minute.This number includes the fastest typists and also the slowest ones who might just be learning.

The highest typing speed was reached in 1946 by Stella Pajunas who managed to type 216 words per minute on a QWERTY keyboard. In this blog, we’ll talk more about typing speed, and why it’s important, and discuss some fun facts along the way. When you were younger, you may have taken tests or lessons on what your typing speed is, what the right typing technique is, and how to type faster. Ver since computers became household items, there’s been an emphasis on typing speed.